Pierre Schryer Returns to St. Joseph Island with 2 Worlds United, Sept. 20
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2 Worlds United
The Pierre Schryer and 2 Worlds United on-line tickets are sold out. There may be a few tickets available at Gardiner’s in Richards Landing, or call 705 257 6106 about ticket availability.
AlgomaTrad and the Richards Landing Arts and Events Committee is be presenting Pierre Schryer in a cross-Atlantic collaboration of music with two other internationally-renowned musicians at the Old Town Hall, Richards Landing on Tuesday, September 20, 7:30PM. Tickets can be purchased on-line, at the St. Joseph Township office or Gardiner’s (formerly Ambeaut’s) in Richards Landing, or by making reservations by calling 705 257 6106. Tickets are $25 each, and seating is limited.
2 Worlds United is a phenomenal group of Celtic musicians that have gathered to create an International Celtic trio from both sides of the Atlantic. Renowned Canadian fiddler, Pierre Schryer from Ontario, is touring with Irish button accordionist Dermot Byrne (from the Irish super group Altan) and guitarist Adam Dobres from British Columbia, Canada. All of these musicians have superb international reputations. Between the three of them, they have a variety of awards and nominations including for a JUNO, a Canadian Folk Music, TG4 Irish Traditional Musician of the Year, and a Grammy. In 1999, Pierre and Dermot recorded a CD entitled “2 Worlds United” on the New Canadian Records label, which was later re-released in Ireland for worldwide distribution with Claddagh Records. This album is now available on iTunes, among other albums produced by these great musicians.