
tabbed donor child pages


We thank you for your support

AlgomaTrad is immensely grateful to the donors who help us achieve our goals, whether they contribute to the realization of our vision for the AlgomaTrad Centre, support our programs and events, or help us in day to day operations. No charitable organization can survive without supporters and volunteers – some have the time and skills to physically help us on our journey, while many others who cannot be there in-person walk the talk with their financial support.

The Artistic Directors, Board of Directors, and the AlgomaTrad community at large THANK YOU sincerely and profoundly for all your support, no matter what level of commitment that may be. If we haven’t been able to thank you in person, we hope we can do so one day soon, hopefully at the AlgomaTrad Centre, as we celebrate the unfolding of our vision. Thank you for helping to keep the dream alive.

Canadian donations

You can donate in CAD now via Canadian fundraising platform Zeffy. Donate now below or by visiting this page at Zeffy.

US donations

AlgomaTrad is able to receive donations from US citizens through the IRS-recognized U.S. Charitable Foundation, Givio (EIN: 47-3955325). Donations can be offered by credit card or through stock donations.

US credit card donations

US residents can donate to AlgomaTrad by credit card through our partner Givio. Donating through Givio is easy, and you will receive a tax receipt for the full US amount of your donation. An administrative fee of 4% of the value of the donation, plus a wire fee (if needed) to transfer the funds across the border, will be deducted from your donation.

Donate with a credit card

US stock donations

US residents can also donate stock to AlgomaTrad through our partner Givio. Donating stocks to AlgomaTrad through Givio is easy, will save you the cost of any capital gains on your donated stock, and you will get a tax receipt for the full USD amount of your donation.

It is a simple process: you fill out one form to move the stocks to Stock Donator, which liquidates them and sends the funds to Givio, which transfers the funds across the border to AlgomaTrad and issues you a U.S. charitable tax receipt. Stock Donator is the most trusted name in stock donations for nonprofits, and Givio is a charitable foundation recognized by the IRS.

Make a stock donation

  • Click the Donate Stock button and follow the prompts.
  • Note: The Stock Donator Member Organization is: Givio Charitable Foundation
  • Where it says For the following purpose put AlgomaTrad Music and Dance
  • Choose Option 1 which has the necessary information regarding Stock Donator’s brokerage firm. You will get email notifications to confirm your stock donation.
  • If necessary, contact your broker to move the stocks to Stock Donator

IMPORTANT – Since AlgomaTrad doesn’t receive frequent stock donations, please email either AlgomaTrad ( or Gary Carr from GIVIO ( when you start the process so Givio can track the progress and track the donation to AlgomaTrad. An administrative fee of 4% of the value of the donation, plus a wire fee (if required) to transfer the funds, will be deducted from your donation. You will receive a tax receipt for the full amount of the value of the stocks on the day they are liquidated.

Thank you so much for your support!

For donations to the Brook Nadjiwon Memorial Fund, the Nicholas Missere Memorial Bursary Fund, the Kate Murphy Memorial Bursary Fund, and the Annie Bartlett Bursary Fund, please click HERE.


Judy Aaltonen

Anita and Dan Ableson

Nancy and Philip Adams

Katie Adams-Larson

Emily Addison

Robin Aggus

Liz and Steve Aguina

Linda and Delvin Ahde

Debbie and Dwayne Alcock

Algoma Insurance Co.

Gillian Lloyd and Mike Allen

Ashley Alleway

Elizabeth Alloi

Warren Alloi

Karen Anderson

Rebecca and Don Angstadt

Stacy Arnold

Jeanne and Ed Arthurs

Chris Aston

Frank and Kerri Astri

Jody Benjamin and Michael Ball

Zsuzsa Balogh and David Wilson

Edith Baragar and Richard Forest

Hannah Barcis

Heather Barns

Currie and Tom Barron

Emilia Bartellas

Neil and Mary Bartlett

Marilyn Baxter

Kate Bedding

Darryl Beebe

Julia Bennett

CJ and Lauren Benninger

Bev Bernbaum

Helen and Lloyd Betts

The Biggs Family

Con Birchall

Lynn Bjorklund

Tycho and Brigitte Black

Catherine and Malcolm Blackburn

Blackmore Family

Diana Blazek

Karen Spector, Gary Bloch, Avielle, Raya, and Kir Spector-Bloch

Serene Boileau

The Boileau Family

Pierre Lynn Boivin

Miles and Annissa Bolder

Mary Alton and Michael Bolton

Marylou Bontje and Rose Bontje

Angela Bontje

Adam and Christina Bottiglia

Miranda Bouchard & Matt Ceolin

Janet and Michael Boucher

Carl and Marilyn Bowyer Family

Sean and Tamara Brady

Hal and Ginny Brandmaier

Lola Bratty

Gayle Broad

Brya Bromfield

Alison Brookes

Kathie Brosemer

Michael Brown

October Browne

Lorie Springall and Sharon Buehner

Karen and Stephen Bull

Joshua T Burdick

Kyle Burghout

Carolyn Burgio

Mark Burke

Will and Megan Byman

Errol Caldwell

Joe and Kathleen Camp

Sarah Fleming and Vince & Lucas Candelino

Marina Candelino-Crawford

Barb Caplan

Lorraine and Douglas Capozzalo

Patrick Capper

Kenny Carder, Lisa Stinson, and Emma

Laurie Carlyle

Liz Carroll

Margaret Carruthers

Virginia Carter

Ron And Isabel Chapman

Jake Charron

The Charron Family

Åsa and Steve Chong

Karl and Amanda Christensen

Victoria Chu

Stephen Cleary

Arlene Clock

Kevin Closs

Jacques & Rita Cloutier

Daev Clysdale

Donald Clysdale

Robert and Joyce Cohen

Sally Cohen and David Moule

Carol Compton

Patrick Conlen

Joanne Contant

Rena Cooke

Stephen Cooper and Ruth Howard

Paul and Marigje Cooper

Jim Corcoran

Julie Corcoran

Linda Jane Cornelisse

The Cornell Family

Jane Cory

Diana Costigan

Jel Coward, Rebecca Lindley, Maisie and Lowell

Dr. Scott and Sam Craig

Lisa Creighton

Frances Cresswell

Louise Crofts

Kris Rosar and Mark Cruikshank

John Mayberry and Laurie Cumming

Betty Cunningham

Christie Currie

Robert Dale

Dax D’Orazio

Ian Davies

Anne, Desi, and Aidan Davies

Alix Dawes

Kirsten DeBear

Bjorn and Jess DeBear

Patty Deline

Frank Deresti

Rick Dexter

Susan Digby

Frank Francalanza and Sally Dobson

Tony Doherty

Stephen Dominy

Les Dominy

Keith Donnelly

Sean Donnelly

Melanie and Ron Dorscht

Alyson Douglas

Marc Dubreuil

Sue and Bob Dupre

Donna Dupuis

Kathy and Tim Dyer

Karen Malmstrom Eckhart

Laura Eddy

John and Marsha Edgar

Graham Elder and Andrea Reibmayr

Bill Elliott

Joyce Ervin

Pat Evans

Kathy Evoy

Colette and Rick Fall

Linda Falls

John De Fazio

Sean Feder

Kora Feder

Steve Feiertag

Michael and Julie Filipetti

Michael Fischer

Aaron Fisher

Tom Fitzgerald

The Fitzgeralds

Don Fleming

Carole Hunt-Ford and Raymond Ford and family

Donna Forster

Maxie and Maudie Foster

Levi, Jude and Fox

Tom Fox

Heather and Brian Fox

Joanne E. Fox

Raymond Franke

Steve and Ginny Frech

David Frech

Denis and Judy Frechette

Jack and Jennifer Freiburger

Peter and Nancy Fribley

Deena-Kay and Walter Froese

Dhyani Frost

Rachel and Jason Frowen

Sandra Gamble

Emily Gardner, William Gardner, and Elaine Mallory

Mike and Janise Garside

Geof Garth

Carol Gartshore

Nora Gaskin

Wilfred Gaube

Kelly Giguere

Lacey Gillies

Anna Gimpel

Paul Goelz

Eve Goldberg

Maureen Gooderham

Mana & Garrett Goodfellow

Rosalie Goos

Linda Savory Gordon

James Gordon

The Gorno Family

Martin Gould

Lynn Goulding

John Graham

Gordon Graham

Cliff and Susan Graham

Suzanne Hansen and Karl Granberg

Wendy Gray

Sheila Graziano

Laurena Green

Robin Greenberg

Nancy Greenway

Jodi Greenwood

Frank Grell

Norma Griffin and Robert Janser

Ross Griffiths

Henry Grix

Jen Guest

Berna Gulmisal

Jody Gunn

Cami Gurnick

Corinne Wilkerson and Eric Haapala

Jim and Georgina Hachey

Andrea Haddad

Don Hall

Sara Van Hamme

Linda Hammond

Bruce and Sandy Hansen

Suzanne, Karl, Linnea and Mila Hansen Granberg

Tuija Hansen

Mike and Mellon Harde

Lou, Scott, and Raffi Hayden-Florence

Jesse Kahtava and Erin Heeney

Joan Hellmann

Ole Hendrickson

Grace Hendrickson-Jones & family

Will and Lynda Henry

Jean Hershey

April Hichens

Myra Hirschberg and Tom Calwell

Becky and Adam Hodgson

The Hodgsons

Heather, Shane and Harry Hoffmann

Janet Hogg

Marilyn and Michael Hore

David McFadden from Bravura House

Eli Howard

HTS Engineering Ltd

Bob Hubbach

Anna Hubbard

Dagmar Hug

Vere Hunt

Arlene and Hugh Hunter

Peter Huron and Ekta

Paul E Hurtubise

Cathy Hussey

Ariel Hyatt

George Imans

Dale Innes

Angelica Jacobs

Holly Janser

Alanna Jenish

Tina Johncox

Erica Jones

Belinda Junor

Emily and James Kaiser

Emily Kakouris

Catherine Kamil

Howard Kaplan

Jim Katz

Kate Keenan

Mike Kerman

Bill Kervin and Linda Huestis

Amanda Kik

Jack and Dale Kingsley

Nergis Kircali

Paulette Kirkey

Lea Kirstein

Elaine and Stephen Kitteridge

Marie Frances Kizera

Merrie Klazek

Terry and Ben Kloosterman

Charlene Knapp

Nancy Konzuk

Jean Kosloff

Dan and Colleen Kosuth

Jennifer Kottick

Dawn Kucher

ShariAnn Kuiper

Sarah Kulawic

The Kulawic/Frowen Family

Ann-Marie Kungl

Karla Lacasse

Cheri LaGrasso

Peter and Lois Lambert

Gail Lane

Kayla Lannigan

Sophie Lavoie and Fiachra O’Regan

Josie Lawlor

Eric and Hannah-Lee Lawrence

Shawn Lazarus

Karin Lea

Anne Lederman

Merlene Joyce Lee

Benoit Lefebvre and Melanie Arthur

Suzanne Lefebvre

Zach and Hollie Lefebvre

Pierre and Viola Lefebvre

Sandra Leith

Lemieux Family/Valleyfield Farm

Madeleine Lemieux

Myriam Lefebvre, Andre Lemieux, Sam Lemieux

Ben, Jessica, and Emily Lepp

Rebecca Lessard and Ken Scott

Denise Levac

Qinglu Li

Karen Light

Linda Light

Jenish Engineering Limited

Marsha and Bernie Lipsius

Nancy Logan

Genevieve London

Susie Lorand

The Lough Family

Allison Lupton

Ann and Denis Lyons

Heidi and Scott MacDonald

Hugh MacDonald

Barb MacDougall

Leanne MacDougall

Robin MacIntyre and Enn Poldma on behalf of Black Fly Jam Folk Club

Ellen MacIsaac

The MacKay Family

Andrew MacKay

Eden Mackereth

Kristan MacLachlan

Donna MacLeod

John B Macpherson

Damian MacSeáin

Tara Madera

Crossroad Magdalenes

Melanie Makela

Makes Scents Maple Products

The Manchur Family at Mountain Maple Products

Michael Mantha

Linda Marasco

Robert & Denise Martel

Rod, Lissy, Silas, Leif, Rosie, and Fergus Martin

Becky and Vic Martone

Amy Mayer and Dave Jack

Barbara Mayer

Margaret Mazzaferro

Paul and Mary McClelland

Darlene and Bob McCormack

Emmet McCusker

Kelly McGillivray

Don McGorman

Karen McGrath

Douglas McGregor

Paraic Donoghue and Kelly McGuire

Stan and Kim McHale

Scott and Lois McKenzie

Joanne McLaurin

Bruce and Judy McLeish

Karen McLeod

Angie McMurray

Beverly McNabb

Anne McPherson

Alex McRae and family

Pam McRae

Laura McRae

Mary and Doug McRae

Sean Meades

Jen Mealey

Susan B Meggs

Cheryl Merleau

Scott Merrifield

Claude Méthé and Dana Whittle

Diane and Carl Meyer

Dustin Meyer

Jan and Ray Meyer

Karen Mikoliew

Tom Mills

Deborah and John Missere

Mireille Gagnon Moes

David Moody

Sue and Brian Morcombe

Jeff and Joelle Morehouse Family

Lynn Morgan

The Morgenegg Family

Dale Morland

Glen and Judi Morningstar

Peter Moule

Suzanne Mrozak

Colleen Murphy

The Murphy-Pickell Family

Jacob Murray

Georgina Naccarato

Chrissi Nan

Judith Nancekivell

Colin Neave

Gerry and Carol Neave

Michael Neelin

David and Patricia Neiman

Charles Nelson

Fleur Nelson

Warren and Rose Neufeld

Laura Foster Nicholson

Wendy Nicholson

Sam and Mara Nicoletta

Mark, Kaia, and Mari Nielsen

Conny Nowe

Michael and Vicki O’Gorman

Emily O’Gorman

Dan and Kathy O’Hanlon

Ena O’Brien

Denis, Kaila and Áine O’Callaghan

Sue O’Connor

Nana (Pauline) O’Gorman

Marnie Oakes

Paul Oorts & Karen Ashbrook

Edith Orr

Jude Ortiz

Brian Dubbeldam

Maria Parrella-ilaria

Caroline B. Parry

John and Lee Ann Pearson

David and Lauren Peck

Ronald Pen

Heather Pepper

Mary Jane Perry

Dianne Peterson

Sylvie Tremblay and Joseph Phillips

Nate and Diane Pierce

Ron and Deb Pook

Shelley Posen

Robin Sutherland and Fred Post

Nancy Pottage

James Powell

Judith Predmore

Linda Rae

Brent and Nancy Rankin

Jo and David Raphael

Alya Raphael

Anne Rastogi

Bob and Sandy Rathwell

David and Joyce Ratz

Tom, Ying-Ying, Caleb, and Kay-Anne Reed

Jackson Reed

Amy and Joe Reich

Kathy Reid-Naiman

Hank Reinink

David Rhees

Michael Rhoades

Rob Rhor

Hope, Doug, and Lesley Rich

Jean and Reg Rickaby

Patti Rickman

Gloria and Bob Riddell

Laura RiskIa

Ian and Val Robb

Paula Robertson

Emma Robinson

Sally Robinson

The Robinson’s

Graham A Roe

Shelly Romalis

Dieter and Erika Ropke

Celia Ross

David A. Ross

Amy Rubin

Bill Russell

Ben Russo

Terryl Ryan

Tiffany Salt

Elaine and Will Samis

Gary Sanders

Ray Sandie

Cate Sandstrom

Mark Santana

Jim Saunders and Anne Hayes

Katina Schell

Reed Schilbach

Zachary D. Schneider

Mary and Steve Schneider

Judy Schneider

Ed and Liliane Schneider

Victoria Schneider and Steve Watkins

Algoma Forest & Nature School

Darlene Schroeder

Kaitlyn Schryer

Pierre Schryer

Louis and Paula Schryer

Julien and Juliette Schryer

Dan and Laura Schryer

Sheila Scott

Maureen and Dale Scott

Don Seabrook

Jim and Nancy Seavitt

Blake Segars

Anne Lederman and contributors from Sessions

Noah Shapiro

Joel Shore

John Simmons

Cindy Simmons

Carol Sims

Chris and Alison Sipe

Debbie and Rick Sipe

Margaret and Phil Small

Valerie Smith

Maria Smith

Anne and Richard Smith

Nathan Smith

Jill Smith

David Spacek and Shannon Elliott

Susanne Spiegel

Ron and Mitchell Spurway

Paula Spurway

Emilyn Stam and John David Williams

Sandra Stec

James Stephens

Patti Stevens

Gary and Theresa Stevenson

Adrienne Stevenson

Trevor and Jennifer Stinson

Charlotte Stone

Ilse and Gerhard Strieck

Mark Sullivan

Lorraine Sutton

Laurie Bering Tansey

Spike Taylor

Andrew Telford

Elizabeth Templeton

Steven Tenenbaum

Melinda and Richard Thomas

Laurie Thompson

David Thompson

Jenna Thompson

Burnie Thorp

DeeDee and Russ Tibbits

Al and Lynda Tithecott

Bill Tomkins

Annemarie Toth-Waddell

Carol Trainor

Linda Tranter

Sarah Tresidder

Brian and Carol Trotter

David Trowbridge

Valerie and Karol Uchmanowicz

Peter Uhlig

Julie Underhill

Susan and Adam Urbach

Judy Vallings

Jack and Jill Vallings

Jennifer Vansteenkiste

Douglas Varney

Crystal Bossio and Tim Vine

Doug Vingoe

Maura Volante

George Wagenaar

Ruth Wagner

David and Sandie Walde

Karen Warren

John Warstler

Alex Watkins

Jacquelyn Watson

Liz Watson

Bobby Watt

Georgie Watts

Jim and Shelley Waycik

Kyle Waymouth

Emily Weber

Pam Wedd

Joan Weed

Wave and Otto Weir

Peter Welles

Andrea Welz and André Riopel

Heidi Werner

Katherine Wheatley

Lindsay Whitham

Seth and Micaela Whitley

Kyla Wiebe

Stan and Nita Wiebe

Colson Wiebe

Ruth Wigmore

Anne and Bud Wildman

Jane and Jody Wildman & Family

Todd J Williams

Hillary Williams

Christine Williams

Annette Williamson

Hannah Willoughby

Barb and Steve Willoughby

Wesley Willoughby

George Wesley Willoughby

Gina Marie Wilson

Sally Wisemer

Patti Wolfe

David Woodhead

Jane and John Wulsin

Louise Young

Abe Zettek

Anne Ewing Zettek

Barb and Mike Zettek

3S Inc

…plus more than 100 anonymous donors

In memory of Norah McGuire

Andrea Borden

Terry Holinsky

Sharon Farr and Bessie McAllister

Clair and Sandra Irwin

Krug Inc.

Deborah and John Missere

John and Lynda Moseley Williams

Robin Roesch

…and 4 anonymous donors