AlgomaTrad has several bursary funds to support those who need financial help to participate in our programs and camps. For a description of each bursary and how to apply, please see below.
Bursaries are funded by generous supporters. If you would like to donate to an existing bursary, please click on the “Donate now” button beside the name of the bursary.
The Brook Nadjiwon Memorial Fund – Donate now
In memory of Brook Nadjiwon, this fund is to help music students discover and grow their love of music like Brook. More information about this Fund and its mandate will be added to this page soon.
Kate Murphy Memorial Bursary Fund Donate now
In honour of the late Kate Murphy (1950-2021)
Kate Murphy was a founding member of the Mulligan Dancers and part of several bands, including Murphy’s Law and the Dawnbreakers, and loyal friend to all. This bursary is open to people of any age who are interested in learning clawhammer banjo, traditional Ontario step-dancing and/or piano accompaniment for fiddling and could use a helping hand to pay for classes, lessons or an unforgettable trad music camp experience, including the AlgomaTrad Family Camp.

Mulligan Dancers, Kate at right
Anyone interested in applying for this bursary should write a short paragraph or record a short phone video about their music/dance background and interests.
Please email with your submissions by June 30, 2024
Annie Bartlett Bursary Fund Donate now
For One Learner at our 2024 Family Camp
In honour of the late Annie Bartlett (1998-2018)
AlgomaTrad was a life changing experience for Annie. Dance calling and art brought her new direction, joy and confidence in her teenage years.
When she was granted a ‘Make A Wish’, she chose to speak at a Be the Change youth rally about her Cystic Fibrosis and about how she did not want to be defined as a sick girl but as a ‘Speaker. Activist. Artist. Dance Caller.’

Annie in action!
Annie’s speech was a big success and, despite her frequent, lengthy stays in hospital, many speaking opportunities followed. With her husband Jack and her parents and siblings, she had an exciting life full of travel, joy and opportunities.
And Annie’s highlight? Bringing people together and Dance Calling at her own wedding with The O’Schraves providing the music.
Anyone interested in applying for this bursary should write a short paragraph or record a short phone video about their interests.
Please email with your submissions by June 30, 2024
Nicholas Missere Bursary Fund Donate now
for All AlgomaTrad Learners
In honour of the late Nicholas Missere (1993-2002)
This fund is to remember the fun-loving and musical example of our fellow fiddler Nicholas Augusto Missere. AlgomaTrad aims to do this by providing financial assistance to people who strive to expand their experience of traditional music, dance, and art as they continue to grow in their understanding of music, dance, and art in their lives.
In remembering the joy and talents of Nicholas, we offer financial aid from this bursary fund in areas of traditional music, dance, and art instruction and performance, with an emphasis on inspiring learners of all ages.
This bursary fund can:
● assist a learner to attend the Algoma Traditional Music and Dance and Heritage Arts Family Camp;
● assist individuals to enhance their music, dance or art abilities through workshops or lessons offered by AlgomaTrad throughout the year;
● be utilized from time to time, as determined by the AlgomaTrad Board of Directors, to assist the operations of the AlgomaTrad in providing activities that promote the growth of traditional music, dance and art in the Algoma region.
Anyone interested in applying for this bursary should email