
Practicing for the 8th annual AlgomaTrad music and dance camp!

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Pat O'Gorman and Julie Schryer

Pat O'Gorman and Julie Schryer

AlgomaTrad is madly preparing for the 8th edition of its Traditional Music and Dance Family Camp from Saturday, August 13 to Saturday, August 20. There will be yet another great staff comprised of musicians, dancers, and artists from different parts of Ontario, Québec, and the United States – we’ll be announcing this year’s team shortly but can start by telling you that it will include a repeat performance by trad Québec band Dentdelion. Although the day schedule is closed to the general public, many of the evening events (concerts, dances, fundraising auction) are open for anyone from the surrounding communities. All events are admission by donation. Artist CDs will also be available at each event.  So if you live nearby, tune in for some of the best traditional music you’ll hear in Canada, right in your own very back yard!