Drake Meadow
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Drake Meadow (wwwdrakemeadowcom/home/dance-calling) – My first real experience with dancing came as an undergraduate, through international folk dancing; the feeling of being able to dance was ecstatically, exquisitely beautiful, and the soulful quality of Eastern European and Near Eastern music spoke deeply to me. As a dance caller and leader, I always want to enable dancers to feel this ease, grace and joy.
As a caller my primary mentor was Glen Morningstar. I now call, lead, and teach several styles of traditional dance: Contra dance, English Country dance, Eastern European and Near Eastern Folk dance, as well as some Square, Ceilidh, and Quebecois dances. I pride myself on my ability to make dance accessible and enjoyable, for beginning and advanced dancers alike, and on my ability to balance clarity with playfulness, tradition with innovation.

Sept 6, 2009 / All – Dancing in the Streets in downtown Ann Arbor – Dance leader Drake Meadow teaches an international folk dance to participants on Main Street. (Mark Bialek / Special to AnnArbor.com)
I am committed to sharing dance with others of varying ages, backgrounds and abilities, in a variety of venues, including schools and churches. I particularly enjoy opportunities to create programs that blend the various styles of dance I love. I have called and taught at various venues including the Michigan Dance Heritage Fall Dance Camp and Cumberland Dance Week in Tennessee as well as for Oakland County Traditional Dance Society (Troy, MI), Footmad (Ann Arbor, MI), Toronto Country Dancers, Bayside Travelers (Traverse City, MI) and dances in Bowling Green, OH, Lansing, MI, and Columbus, OH. I formerly ran the Fifth Friday Fusion Dance series in Ann Arbor (guaranteed five different dance styles each evening of dance)